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coptic church


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coptic church has 1 sense
  1. Coptic Church - the ancient Christian church of Egypt
    --1 is a kind of
    church, Christian church
    --1 has member: Copt

Definitions from the Web

Coptic Church


The Coptic Church, or the Egyptian Orthodox Church, is the Christian Church of Egypt. It is one of the oldest Christian denominations in the world.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Proper noun - Referring to the Christian Church of Egypt.
  2. Noun - Referring to the members, clergy, or activities associated with the Coptic Church.
  3. Adjective - Describing something related to the Coptic Church.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The Coptic Church plays a significant role in the religious life of Egypt.
  2. Many Coptic Church members celebrate Christmas on January 7th, according to the Coptic calendar.
  3. During the Easter Sunday service, the Coptic Church is beautifully adorned with candles and flowers.
  4. She joined the Coptic Church choir and began singing in Sunday mass.
  5. The Coptic Church has a rich heritage, preserving ancient traditions and customs.

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