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copper's nark


Definitions from WordNet

Noun copper's nark has 1 sense
  1. nark, copper's nark - an informer or spy working for the police
    --1 is a kind of informer, betrayer, rat, squealer, blabber

Definitions from the Web

Copper s Nark

Noun: Copper s nark is a high-grade copper alloy commonly used in electrical wiring due to its excellent conductivity.

Sample sentence: The electrician replaced the old copper s nark wiring with a more efficient and durable option.

Verb: To copper s nark means to sabotage or betray someone's trust.

Sample sentence: Sally felt hurt when her best friend copper s narked her by revealing her secret to everyone.

Adjective: Used to describe a person who frequently betrays others, often for personal gain.

Sample sentence: Mike realized he was dealing with a copper s nark when his business partner took credit for his ideas.

Local: In some regions, copper s nark is a slang term for someone who is overly nosy or intrusive.

Sample sentence: The new neighbor was known as the copper s nark of the community, constantly prying into other people's affairs.

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