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Definitions from WordNet

Noun cooker has 1 sense
  1. cooker - a utensil for cooking
    --1 is a kind of
    cooking utensil, cookware
    --1 has particulars: Crock Pot; popper
    Derived forms: verb cook2, verb cook4

Definitions from the Web

Term: Cooker

Meaning 1:

A cooker is a device used for cooking food by applying heat. It commonly refers to a kitchen appliance that consists of an oven and stove combined.

Sample Sentence:

- I love using my electric cooker because it heats up quickly and cooks food evenly.

Meaning 2:

In British English, a cooker is a term used synonymously with a stove or a range. It typically refers to the appliance used for cooking food by applying heat.

Sample Sentence:

- She prepared a delicious meal on her gas cooker.

Meaning 3:

A cooker can also refer to a person who cooks professionally or as an occupation.

Sample Sentence:

- The head chef has a team of skilled cookers who create culinary masterpieces.

Meaning 4:

In local slang, a cooker can be slang for a firearm or gun.

Sample Sentence:

- The criminal was caught with a cooker hidden in his bag.

Related Products:

- Electric Cookers

- Gas Cookers

- Head Chef Cookbooks

- Culinary Masterpieces

- Firearms

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