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contempt of action


Definitions from the Web

Contempt of Action


Contempt of Action refers to a feeling of disregard or disapproval towards someone's behavior, actions, or deeds. It is a negative emotion that implies a lack of respect, often accompanied by a sense of superiority or scorn. This term encompasses various contexts and can be observed in personal relationships, professional settings, or societal attitudes.


As a Noun:

Sense 1: In personal relationships

  1. Jack's excessive drinking resulted in his wife's contempt of action, leading to their ultimate separation.
  2. His dishonesty and constant lies towards his friends garnered nothing but contempt of action from them.

Sense 2: In professional settings

  1. The CEO's unethical behavior towards his employees led to widespread contempt of action within the company.
  2. The lack of dedication and commitment shown by the team members invoked the contempt of action from their manager.

Sense 3: In societal attitudes

  1. The politician's controversial decisions and policies resulted in widespread contempt of action from the public.
  2. The disregard for environmental preservation has brought about a collective contempt of action among society.

As a Verb:

There is no verb form of "contempt of action" that is commonly used.

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