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Definitions from WordNet

Noun consortium has 1 sense
  1. consortium, pool, syndicate - an association of companies for some definite purpose
    --1 is a kind of association
    --1 has particulars: trust, corporate trust, combine, cartel

Definitions from the Web

Term: Consortium

Noun: A group of companies or organizations that work together to achieve a common goal.

Example Sentence: The consortium of tech giants collaborated to develop a revolutionary new product.

Noun: An association or alliance of universities or colleges, typically formed for joint research or resource sharing.

Example Sentence: The consortium of universities secured a large research grant for their joint project.

Noun: A group of individuals or entities, often governments or countries, coming together for a specific purpose or project.

Example Sentence: The European consortium aims to tackle climate change collectively.

Noun: A combination or partnership of different parties.

Example Sentence: The consortium of artists, musicians, and dancers created a remarkable performance.

Noun: A financial arrangement where multiple banks or lenders provide funds for a project.

Example Sentence: The construction of the new stadium was made possible through a banking consortium.

Related Products: Books related to consortium, University consortium resources, Business consortium resources

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