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Definitions from the Web

Sense 1: (of a disease, condition, or abnormality) present from birth
Example sentences:
1. The baby was born with a congenital heart defect.
2. Congenital deafness can sometimes be identified in newborns.
3. This genetic disorder is a congenital anomaly that affects the development of limbs.
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Sense 2: existing as an inherent or essential characteristic
Example sentences:
1. His congenital talent for playing the piano was evident from a young age.
2. The artist's congenital creativity is evident in all of his paintings.
3. Her congenital kindness and generosity made her a beloved figure in the community.
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Note: Congenital can also be used as a noun in the medical context to refer to a condition or abnormality present from birth.

Sense 1: a congenital disease or abnormality
Example sentences:
1. The doctors diagnosed him with a congential that required immediate intervention.
2. The hospital specializes in treating congenitals in children.
3. She has been living with congentital since birth and has adapted to it remarkably well.
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