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conditioned emotional response


Definitions from WordNet

Noun conditioned emotional response has 1 sense
  1. conditioned emotional response, CER, conditioned emotion - an emotional response that has been acquired by conditioning
    --1 is a kind of emotion

Definitions from the Web

Conditioned Emotional Response

A conditioned emotional response refers to a learned emotional reaction that is acquired through classical conditioning.

Meaning 1: Psychological Phenomenon

In psychology, a conditioned emotional response is a type of response that occurs when a neutral stimulus evokes an emotional reaction due to its association with a previously experienced stimulus.

Example sentence: Whenever Peter hears thunder, he experiences a conditioned emotional response of fear and starts trembling.

Meaning 2: Behavioral Aspect

As a behavioral concept, a conditioned emotional response represents a behavior that arises due to an acquired emotional association.

Example sentence: After being bitten by a dog, Sarah developed a conditioned emotional response where she would avoid all dogs out of fear.

Meaning 3: Classical Conditioning

In classical conditioning, a conditioned emotional response refers to the emotional reaction that is elicited by a previously-neutral stimulus when it becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus.

Example sentence: The sound of a bell ringing became a conditioned emotional response for the dogs, triggering salivation because it was paired with food.

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