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concave polyhedron


Definitions from WordNet

Noun concave polyhedron has 1 sense
  1. concave polyhedron - a polyhedron some of whose plane sections are concave polygons
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Concave Polyhedron


A concave polyhedron is a three-dimensional geometric figure consisting of flat polygonal faces, straight edges, and sharp vertices, where at least one of the internal angles is greater than 180 degrees. It is a type of polyhedron that has inwardly curved or sunken faces.


As a Noun:

1. The dodecahedron-shaped dice used in role-playing games is an example of a concave polyhedron.

2. The architect designed a stunning building with concave polyhedrons as its distinctive feature.

3. The geodesic dome is a famous concave polyhedron, often used for creating large-scale structures.

As an Adjective:

1. The artist created a mesmerizing sculpture by incorporating concave polyhedron shapes.

2. The concave polyhedron mirror on the wall gave an illusion of depth and dimension to the room.

3. The mathematician's research focused on the properties of concave polyhedron geometries.

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