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complide with


Definitions from the Web

Complide With


"Complide with" is a phrasal verb that means to act or behave in accordance with rules, laws, or regulations. When someone complies with something, they adhere to or follow certain requirements, directives, or standards.


1. Sense: Adherence to rules

Part of Speech: Verb

The students complide with the school's dress code by wearing uniforms.

Amazon search: Compliance with rules

2. Sense: Conform to regulations

Part of Speech: Verb

The company complides with safety regulations by providing protective gear to their employees.

Amazon search: Compliance with regulations

3. Sense: Obeying directives

Part of Speech: Verb

The citizens complide with the government's stay-at-home order during the pandemic.

Amazon search: Compliance with directives

4. Sense: Meeting standards

Part of Speech: Verb

The product must complide with industry standards to be approved for sale.

Amazon search: Compliance with standards

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