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communion table


Definitions from WordNet

Noun communion table has 1 sense
  1. altar, communion table, Lord's table - the table in Christian churches where communion is given
    --1 is a kind of table

Definitions from the Web

Communion Table


A communion table refers to a table used in Christian religious ceremonies, particularly during the sacrament of Holy Communion, where bread and wine are consecrated and distributed to the congregation.


1. Noun - Religious

The communion table, also known as the Lord's table or the altar, is the focal point of the church during the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Example sentence: During the church service, the priest placed the consecrated bread and wine on the communion table.

2. Noun - Furniture

A communion table is a piece of furniture found in churches, usually made of wood or stone, used specifically for the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Example sentence: The beautifully carved communion table was a treasured possession of the church.

3. Noun - Symbolic

The communion table serves as a symbolic representation of the Last Supper, where Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples.

Example sentence: The communion table reminds Christians of Jesus' sacrifice and the importance of communion with God.

4. Adjective - Popular

The communion table has been a popular feature of Christian worship services for centuries.

Example sentence: Many churches have a designated area for the communion table, adorned with candles and flowers.

5. Adjective - Local

The local church community is responsible for decorating and maintaining the communion table.

Example sentence: The volunteers cleaned and polished the communion table ahead of Easter Sunday.

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