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common newt


Definitions from WordNet

Noun common newt has 1 sense
  1. common newt, Triturus vulgaris - small semiaquatic salamander
    --1 is a kind of newt, triton
    --1 is a member of Triturus, genus Triturus

Definitions from the Web

Common Newt


The common newt, also known as the smooth newt, is a small amphibian belonging to the salamander family. It is widespread across Europe and parts of Asia, and it is a popular species among amphibian enthusiasts due to its fascinating characteristics and variety of coloration.



  1. A small amphibian of the salamander family, found in Europe and Asia.

Sample Sentences:

Noun: Common Newt

  1. I spotted a common newt near the pond while taking a walk in the countryside.
  2. As a child, I used to collect common newts and observe them in my terrarium.

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