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common hedge


Definitions from the Web

Common Hedge


The term "common hedge" refers to a type of shrubbery that is frequently planted as a living boundary or fence to separate different areas of land. It is a popular choice for both functional and decorative purposes due to its dense growth and ability to provide privacy.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun - singular: common hedge, plural: common hedges
  • Adjective: common

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

  1. (Noun) A type of hedge made up of various evergreen or deciduous shrubs, typically planted in rows or patterns along property boundaries.
  2. (Adjective) Pertaining to or characteristic of the common hedge.

Sense 2:

  1. (Noun) In geological terms, a common hedge refers to a natural barrier formed by rocks or vegetation.
  2. (Adjective) Describing geological formations that resemble a common hedge.

Sample Sentences:

Sentence 1:

The homeowner planted a common hedge around the perimeter of their backyard to create a private outdoor space.

Sentence 2:

Walking along the trail, we came across a striking common hedge made of granite rocks.

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