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coleus amboinicus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coleus amboinicus has 1 sense
  1. country borage, Coleus aromaticus, Coleus amboinicus, Plectranthus amboinicus - an aromatic fleshy herb of India and Ceylon to South Africa; sometimes placed in genus Plectranthus
    --1 is a kind of coleus, flame nettle

Definitions from the Web

Coleus amboinicus


Sense 1: A tropical plant native to India, also known as Cuban oregano or Indian borage.

Example sentence: Coleus amboinicus is widely used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties.


Sense 2: The leaves of the coleus amboinicus plant used as a culinary herb.

Example sentence: I add fresh coleus amboinicus leaves to my dishes to enhance the flavor.


Sense 1: Referring to or related to the coleus amboinicus plant.

Example sentence: This coleus amboinicus essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant.

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