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coeliac plexus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coeliac plexus has 1 sense
  1. solar plexus, coeliac plexus, plexus celiacus, abdominal nerve plexus - a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach
    --1 is a kind of nerve plexus
    --1 is a part of sympathetic nervous system

Definitions from the Web

Coeliac Plexus


The coeliac plexus, also known as the solar plexus, is a complex network of nerves located in the abdominal region. It plays a crucial role in transmitting sensory and autonomic signals to various organs in the abdomen.

Sample Sentences:

Sense 1: Anatomy
  • The coeliac plexus is a dense cluster of nerves wrapped around the celiac artery.
  • Damage to the coeliac plexus can cause severe abdominal pain.
Sense 2: Medical
  • Patients with chronic pancreatitis may undergo coeliac plexus block for pain management.
  • Coeliac plexus neurolysis is a procedure used to relieve pain in patients with certain abdominal cancers.
Sense 3: Local
  • In our neighborhood, the coeliac plexus serves as a meeting point for several nerves, giving it a significant role in our daily functioning.
  • There is a popular belief that stimulating the coeliac plexus can enhance digestion and relieve stress.

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