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Definitions from WordNet

Noun clover-root has 1 sense
  1. herb bennet, cloveroot, clover-root, wood avens, Geum urbanum - hairy Eurasian plant with small yellow flowers and an astringent root formerly used medicinally
    --1 is a kind of avens

Definitions from the Web



Clover-Root refers to the underground rhizomes or roots of the clover plant, which belong to the Trifolium genus.


1. Botanical Sense:

In botany, clover-root refers to the thick, subterranean structure from which the clover plant derives nutrients and anchors itself to the ground.

Related Products: Clover Seed, Garden Shovel

Sample Sentence:

The clover-root is an essential part of the plant's survival, as it allows the clover to regenerate itself season after season.

2. Culinary Sense:

Clover-root can also refer to the root of the clover plant used in culinary preparations.

Related Products: Clover Honey, Clover Powder

Sample Sentence:

The chef added chopped clover-root to infuse a unique flavor into the dish.

3. Medicinal Sense:

Clover-root possesses certain medicinal properties and is used in herbal remedies for its various health benefits.

Related Products: Clover Root Herbal Supplement, Natural Herbal Tea

Sample Sentence:

The traditional medicine practitioner recommended clover-root infusion to alleviate digestive issues.

4. Symbolic Sense:

Clover-root can symbolize luck, as it is commonly associated with four-leaf clovers, believed to bring good fortune.

Related Products: Clover Jewelry, Lucky Charm

Sample Sentence:

Carrying a pendant shaped like a clover-root is believed to attract good luck.

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