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clothes tree


Definitions from WordNet

Noun clothes tree has 1 sense
  1. clothes tree, coat tree, coat stand - an upright pole with pegs or hooks on which to hang clothing
    --1 is a kind of pole

Definitions from the Web

Clothes Tree

A clothes tree, also known as a coat stand or a coat rack, is a freestanding structure designed to hold coats, hats, and other clothing items. It typically consists of a vertical post with multiple horizontal branches or hooks attached to it.



  1. My entryway is always tidy thanks to the clothes tree I have near the door.
  2. As the party continued, the clothes tree was quickly filled with guests' jackets.


  1. She loves the vintage look of her clothes tree stand in the corner of her room.
  2. The clothes tree hook provides a practical solution for organizing scarves and belts.

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