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clinical psychology


Definitions from WordNet

Noun clinical psychology has 1 sense
  1. clinical psychology - the branch of psychology concerned with the treatment of abnormal mentation and behavior
    --1 is a kind of
    psychotherapy, psychotherapeutics, mental hygiene

Definitions from the Web

Clinical Psychology


Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on diagnosing and treating mental disorders and psychological distress. It involves the application of various theories and therapeutic approaches to help individuals attain optimal mental well-being.


Sense 1: Professional Field

In the professional sense, clinical psychology refers to the specialized field of psychology dedicated to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses and emotional disturbances.

Sense 2: Academic Discipline

As an academic discipline, clinical psychology involves research and teaching about the assessment, understanding, and treatment of psychological disorders.

Sample Sentences:

1. The clinical psychology session helped the patient understand and manage their anxiety disorder effectively.
2. The clinical psychology program at the university provides comprehensive training for future psychologists.
3. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of clinical psychology were covered in the course.
4. The clinical psychologist conducted a series of tests to determine a accurate diagnosis for the patient's condition.

Related Products:

Books on Clinical Psychology
Therapy Tools for Clinical Psychology
Psychological Assessment Tools

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