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clean and jerk


Definitions from WordNet

Noun clean and jerk has 1 sense
  1. clean and jerk, clean - a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead
    --1 is a kind of weightlifting

Definitions from the Web

Clean and Jerk

Noun: A weightlifting exercise in which a barbell is lifted from the floor to the shoulders in one motion and then jerked overhead.

Example sentence: He set a new personal record by successfully executing a clean and jerk of 150 kilograms.

Verb: To perform the clean and jerk weightlifting exercise.

Example sentence: She trained diligently for months to improve her technique and perfect the clean and jerk.

Adjective: Referring to a weightlifting event that includes the clean and jerk exercise.

Example sentence: The clean and jerk competition at the Olympic Games drew some of the strongest athletes from around the world.

Related Products:

Weightlifting Equipment on Amazon

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