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clapped out


Definitions from WordNet

Adjective clapped out has 1 sense
  1. clapped out - worn from age or heavy use and no longer able to operate (of cars or machines or people)
    unworn (indirect, via worn)

Definitions from the Web

Term: clapped out

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense 1: (Informal) Worn out or in bad condition, especially due to excessive use or age.

Sample Sentence: The clapped out car broke down on the way to the party.

Related Products: Worn out car

Sense 2: (Informal) Extremely tired or exhausted.

Sample Sentence: After working for 14 hours straight, John felt completely clapped out.

Part of speech: Verb (Past tense)

Sense 1: (Informal) To applaud or clap for someone or something.

Sample Sentence: The audience clapped out the exceptional performance.

Part of speech: Verb (Present participle)

Sense 1: (Informal) Clapping one's hands together rhythmically.

Sample Sentence: The children were clapping out the catchy tune during the school assembly.

Part of speech: Noun

Sense 1: (Informal) A period of applause or clapping.

Sample Sentence: The singer received a standing ovation after her clapped out.

Part of speech: Noun

Sense 2: (Informal) A rhythmic handclapping, often used as a form of communication or encouragement.

Sample Sentence: The football team used clapped out to motivate each other during the game.

Part of speech: Adverb

Sense 1: (Informal) Used to emphasize that something is completely or entirely done.

Sample Sentence: He drove clapped out to the end of the road.

Part of speech: Adverb

Sense 2: (Informal) Used to describe a solution that is improvised or done in a makeshift manner.

Sample Sentence: As their tools were missing, they had to fix the broken table clapped out with duct tape.

Related Products: Duct tape, Improvised tools

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