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civic pride


Definitions from WordNet

Noun civic pride has 1 sense
  1. civic pride, civic spirit - pride in your city
    --1 is a kind of pride

Definitions from the Web

Civic Pride

Civic pride refers to the deep sense of attachment and loyalty that individuals have towards their local community or city. It encompasses the pride and satisfaction felt by residents for the cultural, historical, and social accomplishments of their locality.

Sense 1: Noun

Definition: A feeling of pride and loyalty towards one's local community or city.

Example sentence 1: The display of civic pride was evident during the community's annual parade.

Example sentence 2: The mayor's speech ignited a sense of civic pride among the citizens.

Sense 2: Adjective

Definition: Relating to or characteristic of the pride and loyalty towards one's local community or city.

Example sentence 1: The mural is a beautiful representation of civic pride in our neighborhood.

Example sentence 2: The city council organized a civic pride event to celebrate the achievements of local businesses.

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