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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective cityfied has 1 sense
  1. citified, cityfied, city-bred, city-born - being or having the customs or manners or dress of a city person
    Antonym: rural (indirect, via urban)

Definitions from the Web

Term: cityfied

Part of Speech: Adjective/Verb

Sense 1 (Adjective): Characteristic of or resembling a city; urbanized.

Sample Sentence: The cityfied atmosphere was a stark contrast to the peaceful countryside.

Related Products: Urban Planning Books, City Life Books

Sense 2 (Verb): To make or become more urban or city-like in nature.

Sample Sentence: The rapid development cityfied the once small town making it a bustling metropolis.

Related Products: Urban Development Books, City Transformation Books

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