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Definitions from WordNet

Noun citadel has 1 sense
  1. bastion, citadel - a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle
    --1 is a kind of stronghold, fastness
    --1 has particulars: acropolis; kremlin; Kremlin

Definitions from the Web



A citadel is a fortress or stronghold that serves as a place of protection or defense, usually located in a strategic position.


  1. Noun: A fortified area or structure used for military purposes.
  2. Noun: A stronghold or safe haven for a specific group of people.


  1. Ancient civilizations used citadels as a means of defense against invaders.
  2. The citadel stood tall on top of the hill, securing the city below.
  3. The rebels established a citadel in the mountains, protecting their forces from enemy attacks.
  4. The bank's headquarters acted as a citadel of financial security.

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