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Definitions from WordNet

Noun cinematographer has 1 sense
  1. cameraman, camera operator, cinematographer - a photographer who operates a movie camera
    --1 is a kind of photographer, lensman

Definitions from the Web



A cinematographer is a professional responsible for capturing and composing the visuals of a film or video production. They work closely with the director to create the desired mood, tone, and overall look of the project.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The cinematographer skillfully used lighting and camera angles to create a sense of mystery in the film.
  2. As a cinematographer, her expertise in capturing beautiful landscapes brought a unique visual appeal to the documentary.
  3. The cinematographer meticulously planned each shot to ensure consistency in color and framing throughout the movie.
  4. During filming, the cinematographer adjusted the exposure settings on the camera to achieve the desired brightness and contrast.

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