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Definitions from WordNet

Noun chuckhole has 1 sense
  1. pothole, chuckhole - a pit or hole produced by wear or weathering (especially in a road surface)
    --1 is a kind of hole, hollow

Definitions from the Web

Term: chuckhole


A chuckhole refers to a pit or cavity found on a road surface, typically caused by the wear and tear of the pavement. Chuckholes are known to cause damage to vehicles and can pose a danger to drivers.

Sample sentence: Driving over a chuckhole can be a jarring experience, potentially causing damage to your car's suspension.


To chuckhole means to create or develop a pit or cavity on a road surface.

Sample sentence: The heavy rain has caused the road to chuckhole, so we need to get it repaired as soon as possible.


The adjective form of chuckhole is used to describe something or someone that is related to or affected by chuckholes.

Sample sentence: The car's damaged tire is a result of its encounter with a chuckhole-ridden street.

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