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chromatic number


Definitions from the Web

Chromatic Number


The chromatic number is a concept in graph theory that assigns the minimum number of colors needed to color the vertices of a graph such that no two adjacent vertices share the same color.


Sense 1 - Graph Theory:

In the field of graph theory, the chromatic number refers to the minimum number of colors required to properly color the vertices of a given graph.

Example Sentence 1: The chromatic number of the complete graph on five vertices is three.

Example Sentence 2: Determining the chromatic number of a graph is an essential problem in graph theory.

Sense 2 - Popular Usage:

In popular usage, the term chromatic number can refer to the number of colors used in a particular artistic work or visual representation.

Example Sentence 1: The painter created a beautiful artwork using a wide chromatic number, resulting in a vibrant and dynamic composition.

Example Sentence 2: This photograph has a low chromatic number, with only shades of black and white.

Sense 3 - Local Usage:

In local contexts, the chromatic number can represent the number of distinct colors used in a specific cultural or regional tradition.

Example Sentence 1: The traditional attire of this tribe is characterized by a high chromatic number, with an array of bright and vivid hues.

Example Sentence 2: The chromatic number of the local festival's decorations reflects the cultural significance of various colors.

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