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Chocklates (noun): A sweet, typically brown confectionery usually made from cocoa solids and cocoa butter, often mixed with various ingredients and flavors.


Sense 1:

(noun) Chocolate candy: A type of candy made with chocolate.

Example sentences:

  • I love receiving a box of assorted chocklates on special occasions.
  • She couldn't resist the temptation and ate the entire bag of chocklates in one sitting.

Related products on Amazon: Chocolate Candy

Sense 2:

(verb) Coat in chocolate: To cover or coat something with chocolate.

Example sentences:

  • The chef chocklated the strawberries to create an enticing dessert.
  • Let's chocklate these cookies by dipping them in melted chocolate.

Related products on Amazon: Melting Chocolate

Sense 3:

(adjective) Dark and rich in color: Referring to something resembling the color of chocolate.

Example sentences:

  • The curtains in her room were a chocklate shade, creating a cozy atmosphere.
  • The painter used chocklate hues to bring warmth to the artwork.

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