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Definitions from WordNet

Noun chitterlings has 1 sense
  1. chitterlings, chitlins, chitlings - small intestines of hogs prepared as food
    --1 is a kind of variety meat, organs

Definitions from the Web



Chitterlings, also known as chitlins, refer to the small intestines of a pig, often prepared and eaten as a traditional dish in certain cultures.

Part of Speech:



  1. The small intestines of a pig used as food



  1. Chitterlings are commonly cooked and served during traditional holiday gatherings.
  2. Many people enjoy the distinct flavor and texture of chitterlings in Southern cuisine.
  3. Restaurants and food trucks often offer chitterlings as a specialty dish.


  1. In some regions, chitterlings are a staple food and constitute an essential part of local culinary traditions.
  2. Local festivals celebrate the heritage and preparation of chitterlings with various events and cooking competitions.
  3. Residents in this area have passed down family recipes for cooking chitterlings for generations.

Sample Sentences:

  1. During Thanksgiving, our family always prepares a delicious feast, including a serving of seasoned chitterlings.
  2. The restaurant's menu boasted a selection of Southern dishes, with chitterlings being a customer favorite.
  3. While visiting the South, I had the opportunity to try authentic chitterlings prepared by a local chef.

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