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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective chemic has 1 sense
  1. chemical, chemic - relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance"

Definitions from the Web



Chemic is an adjective that refers to anything relating to or concerning chemistry.


Sense 1:

(adjective) Relating to the science of matter, its properties, composition, structure, behavior, and reactions.

Example sentence: The student conducted an interesting chemic experiment in the laboratory.

Sense 2:

(noun) A substance used in or produced by chemistry or chemical processes.

Example sentence: The scientist mixed various chemics to create a new compound.


Usage 1:

As an adjective:

  • Chemic composition: The chemic composition of the substance was analyzed to determine its properties.
  • Chemic equations: The teacher asked the students to balance the chemic equations.

Usage 2:

As a noun:

  • Industrial chemics: The factory utilizes different industrial chemics in their manufacturing process.
  • Organic chemics: The book explains the significance of organic chemics in everyday life.

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