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Noun checkout has 3 senses
  1. check, checkout, check-out procedure - the act of inspecting or verifying; "they made a check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure"
    --1 is a kind of inspection, review
    --1 has particulars: spot check
    Derived form: verb check out1
  2. checkout, checkout time - the latest time for vacating a hotel room; "the checkout here is 12 noon"
    --2 is a kind of departure time, time of departure
    Derived form: verb check out2
  3. checkout, checkout counter - a counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases
    --3 is a kind of counter
    Derived form: verb check out5
checking program checking up checkle checklist checklist checklists checkmark checkmate checkout checkout counter checkout line checkout time checkpoint checkpoints checkrein checkroom checkrow

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