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Term: chatman


Chatman is a noun that refers to a person who engages in informal and friendly conversation. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to have a casual and lighthearted conversation with someone.

Sense 1: Noun - Person Engaging in Conversation

As a noun, chatman describes an individual who enjoys engaging in informal and friendly conversations. This person often possesses excellent communication skills and enjoys interacting with others.

Example Sentence: Sarah is a friendly chatman; she can strike up a conversation with anyone she meets.

Sense 2: Verb - Engage in Casual Conversation

When used as a verb, chatman means to have a casual and lighthearted conversation with someone. It typically involves friendly banter, small talk, or gossiping.

Example Sentence: During lunch break, we decided to chatman about the latest happenings in the office.

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