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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective chartaceous has 1 sense
  1. chartaceous, papery, paperlike - of or like paper

Definitions from the Web



Chartaceous is an adjective that describes something with the qualities or characteristics of paper. It refers to an item that is lightweight, thin, or easily torn like paper.

Senses and Usages:

1. Material:

When used in reference to material, chartaceous describes something that resembles or is made of paper. It often implies a lightweight or delicate nature.

Example Sentence: The chartaceous wings of the butterfly allowed it to float gracefully in the air.

2. Texture:

When used to describe texture, chartaceous refers to something that feels like paper to the touch. It suggests a thin, crisp, or velvety sensation.

Example Sentence: The chartaceous leaves rustled softly in the autumn breeze.

Related Products:

Check out chartaceous paper products on Amazon.

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