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Definitions from WordNet

Noun charlottetown has 1 sense
  1. Charlottetown - the provincial capital and largest city of Prince Edward Island
    --1 is a kind of
    provincial capital
    --1 is a part of Prince Edward Island

Definitions from the Web



Charlottetown is the capital city of the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island.

Sample sentence: I visited Charlottetown last summer and fell in love with its charming streets and waterfront.


Charlottetown refers to anything related to or originating from Charlottetown, the capital city of Prince Edward Island.

Sample sentence: I tried the delicious Charlottetown seafood during my trip to Prince Edward Island.


Charlottetown can also be used as a verb to describe the act of exploring or experiencing the city of Charlottetown.

Sample sentence: We decided to Charlottetown our way through Prince Edward Island, exploring all the city's attractions.

Related Products:

Explore books, travel guides, and more about Charlottetown on Amazon: Charlottetown on Amazon

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