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charles dudley warner


Definitions from WordNet

Noun charles dudley warner has 1 sense
  1. Warner, Charles Dudley Warner - United States filmmaker who with his brothers founded the movie studio that produced the first talking picture (1881-1958)
    --1 is a kind of film maker, filmmaker, film producer, movie maker

Definitions from the Web

Term: Charles Dudley Warner


Charles Dudley Warner was an American author, essayist, and editor who wrote extensively on a wide range of topics including travel, politics, and social issues. He is best known for his collaboration with Mark Twain on "The Gilded Age," a satirical novel that criticized the corruption and excesses of the post-Civil War era.

Sample Sentences:

  1. "Charles Dudley Warner's witty and insightful writing style captivated readers, making him a popular figure in the literary world."
  2. "In his influential essays, Charles Dudley Warner explored the complexities of American society, shedding light on pressing issues of his time."
  3. "The collaboration between Charles Dudley Warner and Mark Twain resulted in a thought-provoking novel that still resonates with readers today."

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