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characteristic of control


Definitions from the Web

Characteristic of Control

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition 1: Pertaining to traits or features associated with the act of maintaining authority or power over something or someone.

She exhibited characteristic control over the project, ensuring every detail was meticulously executed.

His characteristic control helped him manage the team effectively, achieving outstanding results.

Definition 2: Describing qualities or attributes that represent the ability to manage or direct a situation.

Keeping emotions in check is a characteristic control mechanism necessary for effective leadership.

The pilot's characteristic control over the aircraft during turbulent weather impressed all passengers aboard.

Definition 3: Denoting distinctive features or traits that are indicative of being in command or orchestrating an organized environment.

The characteristic control of her classroom ensured a conducive learning atmosphere for the students.

The museum's characteristic control over the exhibit layout showcased the art with precision and elegance.

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