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channel sentence


Definitions from the Web

Term: Channel Sentence


A channel sentence refers to a sentence in which words or phrases are rearranged to form anagrams or coded messages.

Senses and Usages

Sense 1: Anagram Formation

In this sense, a channel sentence is a sentence in which the letters of the words are rearranged to create new words or phrases. It is often used as a wordplay or puzzle technique.

Example Sentence: "The detectives unraveled the clever channel sentence to decode the hidden message."

Related Products: Word Anagram Puzzles on Amazon

Sense 2: Coded Message

Here, a channel sentence refers to a sentence that contains a hidden or encoded message, revealed through specific patterns or rules.

Example Sentence: "The spy intercepted a channel sentence containing vital information, deciphering it to thwart the enemy's plans."

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Other Usages

Sense 1: Popular Usage

A term used by certain communities or groups to refer to sentences constructed in a distinct or popular manner within their circles.

Example Sentence: "Among computer programmers, 'channel sentence' is often used to describe a specific method of coding a sentence efficiently."

Sense 2: Local Usage

A term used regionally or within specific areas to refer to a sentence construction style unique to those locations.

Example Sentence: "In our small town, using a channel sentence is a common way to convey humor and connect with others."

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