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chain fern


Definitions from WordNet

Noun chain fern has 1 sense
  1. chain fern - a fern of the genus Woodwardia having the sori in chainlike rows
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 is a member of Woodwardia, genus Woodwardia
    --1 has particulars: Virginia chain fern, Woodwardia virginica

Definitions from the Web

Chain Fern

A chain fern is a type of fern that belongs to the genus Woodwardia. It is characterized by its distinctively chained appearance, with its leaflets attached one after another along a central stalk.


1. Noun

In its noun form, "chain fern" refers to the plant itself.

Example sentence: The chain fern gracefully adorned the forest floor, adding a touch of elegance to its surroundings.

2. Adjective

When used as an adjective, "chain fern" describes something as resembling or related to a chain fern.

Example sentence: The garden had a tranquil atmosphere, with its chain fern paths leading visitors deeper into its magical ambiance.

3. Verb

As a verb, "chain fern" means to decorate or adorn something with chain ferns.

Example sentence: She carefully chain ferned the outdoor wedding arch, creating a natural and enchanting backdrop for the ceremony.

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