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celery salt


Definitions from WordNet

Noun celery salt has 1 sense
  1. celery salt - ground celery seed and salt
    --1 is a kind of
    flavorer, flavourer, flavoring, flavouring, seasoner, seasoning

Definitions from the Web

Celery Salt


Celery salt is a flavored salt made by combining dried celery seeds with salt. It provides a unique taste and aroma of celery to dishes and is often used as a seasoning or garnish.

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Sample Sentences:

As a noun:

  1. The recipe calls for a teaspoon of celery salt to enhance the flavor.
  2. I sprinkled some celery salt on my soup to give it a savory twist.

As a verb:

  1. You can celery salt your fries for a zesty kick.
  2. She decided to celery salt the salad dressing for added depth of flavor.

As an adjective:

  1. The chicken wings were seasoned with celery salt, resulting in a tantalizing aroma.
  2. Our famous Bloody Mary recipe features a celery salt rim on the glass.
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