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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective categorematic has 1 sense
  1. categorematic - of a term or phrase capable of standing as the subject or (especially) the predicate of a proposition
    syncategorematic, synsemantic

Definitions from the Web



Categorematic is an adjective that refers to a term or word that has an independent meaning or can stand alone to form a complete expression, as opposed to syncategorematic words which only function in conjunction with other words.


  1. Referring to a term with an independent meaning


  • In logic, categorematic terms are often used to convey a complete idea without relying on other terms.
  • Linguists distinguish between categorematic and syncategorematic words, with the former being able to stand alone.

Sample Sentences:

  • 1. In the sentence, "The cat is black," both "cat" and "black" are categorematic terms.
  • 2. The word "apple" is categorematic because it conveys a complete meaning.
  • 3. "Running," on the other hand, is a syncategorematic term as it cannot stand alone.

Related Products:

  • Explore books on logic
  • Find dictionaries of linguistic terms
  • Search for philosophical works discussing categorematic terms on Amazon
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