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catalina cherry


Definitions from WordNet

Noun catalina cherry has 1 sense
  1. Catalina cherry, Prunus lyonii - evergreen shrub or small tree found on Catalina Island (California)
    --1 is a kind of cherry, cherry tree

Definitions from the Web

Catalina Cherry


Catalina Cherry refers to a type of tree, botanically known as Prunus ilicifolia, that is native to the Channel Islands of California. It is an evergreen tree that belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). The tree produces small, dark red cherries that are known for their tartness.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun (Botany):

The Catalina Cherry is a species of evergreen tree found in California's Channel Islands.

Example Sentence:

The Catalina Cherry trees dot the landscape of Santa Catalina Island, adding natural beauty to the views.

2. Noun (Fruit):

The Catalina Cherry fruit is small, round, and dark red in color. It possesses a tart taste, and is often used in culinary preparations, particularly for making jams or pies.

Example Sentence:

The chef used Catalina Cherries to make a delicious tangy cherry pie for dessert.

3. Adjective (Local):

Catalina Cherry can also be used as an adjective to refer to something that originates or is associated with the Catalina Island region in California.

Example Sentence:

The artwork displayed at the gallery showcased Catalina Cherry motifs, celebrating the island's unique cultural heritage.

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