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cat walk


Definitions from WordNet

Noun cat walk has 2 senses
  1. catwalk - narrow platform; "models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show"
    --1 is a kind of platform
  2. catwalk - narrow pathway high in the air (as above a stage or between parts of a building or along a bridge)
    --2 is a kind of walk, walkway, paseo

Definitions from the Web

Cat Walk


Cat Walk refers to a narrow elevated platform or pathway specifically designed for cats to exercise, explore, or reach elevated areas in a home or outdoor setting. It can be a standalone structure or a part of the furniture. cat walks are typically made of wood, metal, or high-quality fabric, offering a safe and stimulating environment for cats.

Senses and Usages:

Noun - Physical Platform

In its primary sense, Cat Walk is a physical platform or pathway created for cats to move around or access higher areas.

Example Sentence:

Our cat loves to spend time on the cat walk we installed, observing the world from a higher perspective.

Noun - Fashion Show

In a different context, a Cat Walk can also refer to a narrow stage or runway used in fashion shows where models showcase different clothing designs.

Example Sentence:

She gracefully walked down the cat walk, showcasing the designer's latest collection.

Verb - Walk like a cat

The term "Cat Walk" can also be used as a verb phrase, describing someone walking gracefully, stealthily, or with a certain level of confidence, just like a cat.

Example Sentence:

She cat walked into the room, grabbing everyone's attention with her elegant and confident stride.

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