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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective caseous has 1 sense
  1. caseous - of damaged or necrotic tissue; cheeselike
    healthy (indirect, via unhealthy)

Definitions from the Web

Term: caseous


Caseous is an adjective that refers to anything resembling or having the texture of cheese. It describes something that is soft, crumbly, or cheesy in nature.

Sample Sentences:

1. The caseous texture of the cheese made it perfect for spreading on crackers.

2. The doctor diagnosed the patient with a caseous infection, which was causing the affected area to have a cheesy consistency.

3. The restaurant's specialty was a caseous deep-dish pizza with an abundance of melted cheese.

4. After leaving the sandwich out in the sun, it became warm and caseous, creating a gooey mess.

5. The museum featured a caseous sculpture made entirely out of cheddar cheese.

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