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Term: Carriere


Carriere is a noun that typically refers to a particular career or profession pursued by an individual. It can also denote a person's professional path or the series of jobs they have held in their working life.

As an adjective, carriere can describe something related to or suitable for a career.

Senses and Usages:


- The term "carriere" can refer to an individual's chosen profession or occupation. For example: She has had a successful carriere as a lawyer for over 20 years.

- It can also denote the series of positions or jobs someone has held throughout their professional life. Example: His carriere has included stints as a teacher, writer, and actor.


- When used as an adjective, "carriere" describes something relating to or suitable for a career. Example: She attended a carriere fair to explore various job opportunities.

- It can also indicate someone who is ambitious and career-focused. Example: He is known for his carriere mindset and determination to succeed.

Sample Sentences:

- After years of hard work and dedication, she finally achieved her dream carriere as a renowned surgeon.

- The company offers carriere development programs to help employees grow and advance in their professional lives.

- His diverse carriere gave him a broad range of skills and experiences.

- The university organized a carriere workshop to assist graduating students in their job search.

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