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capital of alaska


Definitions from WordNet

Noun capital of alaska has 1 sense
  1. Juneau, capital of Alaska - the state capital of Alaska
    --1 is a kind of state capital
    --1 is a part of Alaska, Last Frontier, AK

Definitions from the Web

Capital of Alaska


The term "capital of Alaska" refers to the city that serves as the administrative center and seat of government for the state of Alaska, United States. As the capital, it is the hub for political, commercial, and cultural activities within Alaska.

Possible Related Products:

Alaska Travel Guide

Alaskan History Book

Senses and Usages:

Sense: Geographic Location

As a geographic term, "capital of Alaska" refers to the specific location where the capital city of the state is situated.

Example Sentences:
  • The capital of Alaska is Juneau.
  • Located in the southeastern part of Alaska, the capital offers stunning natural views.
  • Juneau is well-known as the capital city of Alaska.

Sense: Political and Administrative Importance

"Capital of Alaska" also indicates the political and administrative significance of the city within the state.

Example Sentences:
  • The decisions made in the capital of Alaska impact the entire state.
  • Political leaders gather in the capital to discuss important matters.
  • Visiting the capital provides insight into Alaska's governance and policies.
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