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canary grass


Definitions from WordNet

Noun canary grass has 1 sense
  1. canary grass, birdseed grass, Phalaris canariensis - Canary Islands grass; seeds used as feed for caged birds
    --1 is a kind of grass
    --1 is a member of Phalaris, genus Phalaris

Definitions from the Web

Term: Canary Grass

Description: Canary grass, also known as Phalaris, is a genus of grass native to Europe, Asia, and North America. It encompasses various species of annual and perennial grasses. Canary grass is widely used as an animal feed, commonly for bird species such as canaries, finches, and budgies due to its high nutritional value. Moreover, it has some applications in the brewing industry and as an ornamental plant in gardens.
Senses and Usages:
1. Noun: Canary grass refers to any grass species belonging to the genus Phalaris, cultivated for animal feed or utilized as an ornamental plant. - Sample Sentence: I sprinkle some canary grass seeds in the cage to provide a healthy, natural diet for my canaries. 2. Noun: Canary grass can also describe a specific species, Phalaris canariensis, which is primarily grown for its seeds as feed for caged birds. - Sample Sentence: The canary birds chirped happily, enjoying their bowel of fresh canary grass seeds. 3. Noun: Canary grass can further refer to a common weed, Phalaris arundinacea, found in fields and damp habitats. - Sample Sentence: The meadow was overgrown with canary grass, hindering the growth of other vegetation. 4. Adjective: The term canary grass can be used attributively to describe something associated with or resembling the qualities of a canary or its feed. - Sample Sentence: The canary grass landscape wallpaper added a cheerful touch to the room.
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