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camera angle


Definitions from WordNet

Noun camera angle has 1 sense
  1. camera angle - the point of view of a camera
    --1 is a kind of
    point of view

Definitions from the Web

Camera Angle

Camera angle refers to the position from which the camera captures a specific scene or subject in photography or filmmaking. It plays a crucial role in conveying the intended message, mood, or perspective of a shot.


1. Visual Arts:

In the visual arts, camera angle determines the viewpoint from which an image is composed, affecting the overall composition and visual impact.

Example sentence: The photographer chose a low camera angle to capture the regal stature of the tower.

2. Film Industry:

In the film industry, camera angles are used to bring depth, emotion, and create a cinematic atmosphere in storytelling.

Example sentence: The director used a dramatic high angle to show the vulnerability of the character in that scene.

3. Photography:

In photography, camera angles can be manipulated to produce unique and captivating images, allowing for creative interpretations.

Example sentence: The photographer experimented with various camera angles to capture the stunning architecture of the building from different perspectives.

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