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Definitions from WordNet

Noun camcorder has 1 sense
  1. camcorder - a portable television camera and videocassette recorder
    --1 is a kind of
    television camera, tv camera, camera

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Electronic Device

A camcorder is an electronic device used for recording videos and capturing audio simultaneously.

Sample Sentence:

I use my camcorder to record family gatherings and create lasting memories.

Noun - Popular

Camcorder refers to a popular handheld device used for recording videos and capturing audio. It is commonly used by enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals.

Sample Sentence:

With the advancement of smartphones, camcorders have become less popular among consumers.

Adjective - Local

In a local context, camcorder can refer to a device rented from a nearby rental shop for short-term video recording purposes.

Sample Sentence:

We decided to rent a camcorder from the local shop to document our road trip.

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