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calves' liver


Definitions from WordNet

Noun calves' liver has 1 sense
  1. calves' liver, calf's liver - liver of a calf used as meat
    --1 is a kind of liver

Definitions from the Web


Calves liver refers to the liver of a young cow, specifically a calf. It is a popular type of offal used in various culinary preparations.

Parts of Speech:

Calves liver can be used as a noun.


1. (noun) The liver of a young cow, usually around three to six months old.


1. In cooking:

- Calves liver is often used in traditional dishes like liver and onions.

- It can be pan-fried and served with a sauce.

- Calves liver can also be added to stews or pâtés for added flavor.

Sample Sentences:

1. I ordered a plate of calves liver with onions at the restaurant.

2. The chef prepared a delicious pan-fried calves liver with a balsamic reduction.

3. Grandma's recipe for calves liver pâté is always a hit at family gatherings.

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