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calostoma lutescens


Definitions from WordNet

Noun calostoma lutescens has 1 sense
  1. Calostoma lutescens - a gasteromycete with a leathery stalk and a fruiting body that is globose and has a pale yellow spore case
    --1 is a kind of
    gasteromycete, gastromycete
    --1 is a member of Calostomataceae, family Calostomataceae

Definitions from the Web

Calostoma Lutescens


Calostoma lutescens is a species of fungus commonly known as the yellow-stalked puffball or the bright egg puffball. It belongs to the class of fungi known as calostomataceae.


Sense 1:

Noun: A type of fungi bearing yellow fruiting bodies on a slender stalk.

Example: The calostoma lutescens is an intriguing and beautiful organism found in forested areas.

Related products on Amazon: Calostoma Lutescens Books, Calostoma Lutescens Prints

Sense 2:

Adjective: Referring to something characteristic of or related to the calostoma lutescens fungus.

Example: The researcher discovered a new species with calostoma lutescens traits, including a yellowish cap.

Related products on Amazon: Yellow Fungal Field Guide, Mushroom Picking Tools

Sense 3:

Localism: In certain regions, calostoma lutescens may have local names or specific uses.

Example: The locals refer to calostoma lutescens as "sunrise mushrooms" due to their resemblance to a rising sun.

Related products on Amazon: Local Mushroom Cookbook, Regional Mushroom Recipes

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