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Definitions from WordNet

Noun calapuya has 1 sense
  1. Kalapooia, Kalapuya, Calapooya, Calapuya - a member of the North American Indian people of Oregon
    --1 is a kind of Penutian

Definitions from the Web


Part of speech: Noun

Sense: A Native American tribe indigenous to western Oregon.

Usage: The Calapuya tribe resided in present-day Benton, Lane, and Linn counties.

Sample sentence: The Calapuya people have a rich cultural heritage and history in Oregon.

Part of speech: Noun

Sense: The extinct Penutian language spoken by the Calapuya tribe.

Usage: Very little documentation remains of the Calapuya language.

Sample sentence: Linguists are working to preserve and revive the Calapuya language.

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense: Pertaining to the Calapuya tribe or their culture.

Usage: The Calapuya artifacts provide insights into their way of life.

Sample sentence: The museum houses a remarkable collection of Calapuya pottery.

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense: Relating to the Calapuya region or area.

Usage: The park offers stunning views of the Calapuya landscapes.

Sample sentence: This book explores the flora and fauna of the Calapuya region.

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