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business editor


Definitions from WordNet

Noun business editor has 1 sense
  1. business editor - the newspaper editor responsible for business news
    --1 is a kind of
    newspaper editor

Definitions from the Web

Term: Business Editor


A business editor is an individual or a job position responsible for overseeing and managing the content related to business and finance in various media sources, such as newspapers, magazines, websites, or television. They play a key role in ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and quality of business news articles and publications. Business editors often have a strong understanding of economic trends, financial markets, and industry developments.

Sample Sentences:

  • The business editor reviewed the article before it was published.
  • As a business editor, her primary focus is on covering technology startups.
  • He worked as a business editor for a renowned financial magazine.
  • The business editor added insightful commentary to the latest economic report.

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